For sure, you’ve heard from your parents that you live online and are constantly staring at your smartphone or tablet, that young people nowadays are not interested in anything apart from social networks; and that you should have better spent more time studying. For some reason, it’s hard for the older generation to understand that now you don’t need to spend hours in libraries, that you don’t have to carry tons of books, and that when “you are staring at your gadget” you can be studying. In this article, we tried to prepare five main reasons why students need technology in the classroom and why it can become a blessing in the contemporary world.

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1. You will forget about the word “borders”
The Covid era showed us that even when thousands of kilometers separate you, studying is still possible. When the global pandemic started, many were afraid that educational systems all over the world would collapse. And that’s when technology came to rescue teachers and college professors. Many new services were invented that helped us to give online classes, and the old services were updated. It gave the possibility to choose the best possible variant and the most comfortable service for each person. Of course, it’s important to remember that quality doesn’t often correspond to quantity. So, you have to be careful when choosing the best service for you. Remember that it’s better to read comments or reviews of other people, like you do, for example, with a writing service. Reading essay pro service reviews for sure would help you to make your choice. Do the same with all new services.
2. Thanks to modern technology, lessons have become more interactive
It’s always better to see something with your own eyes than to read about it. Twenty years ago, teachers were showing pictures of the Pyramids or Coliseum. Now thanks to virtual reality, you “send” your students to Egypt or Italy and back without leaving the classroom. And we are sure that the information and interesting facts the students learn during such trip will remain with them longer. Also, remember the online excursions that many famous museums and galleries organize. Not everyone has the opportunity to take their class to Tate Gallery. Still, thanks to modern technology that permits museums to organize such online events, the world of Art became more available.
3. Gives quicker access to information
If you ask any students what they hate about studying, “spending half of your life in a library” will be among the top 3 answers. Yes, around a decade ago, it was almost impossible to imagine that you didn’t have to go to the library to write good paperwork or find some information about a remarkable writer. Nowadays, you have quicker access to information; it’s enough just to write your query, and everything you need is on the screen. No books, no dust, no time wasting. Plus, if you don’t have time to do your homework, like writing an essay, for example. The most challenging task is to find a trustworthy service. Our advice is to read reviews. For example, suppose you want to use EduBirdie and worry whether they are trustworthy. In that case, you can look through Sitejabber or find more edubirdie reviews on other reliable platforms and make the right choice considering the received information.
4. Studies should not be dull
Long ago, scientists came to the conclusion that one of the best ways to learn something was by introducing the elements of games in the lesson. First of all, it’s fun; when you are not bored, remembering something is always easier. And the other aspect is that you need to take breaks to study nicely. You can use technology to relax and enjoy the time. It helps to switch off your brain and let it regain strength by doing another kind of activity.
5. Teaches us how to be thoughtful and careful online
The strangest thing is that you can tell children and teenagers that it’s essential to be careful online, that it’s better not to give your personal data to strangers, and that you have to think twice or three times before sending someone your picture: and that it’s better not to agree on meeting with people you got to know on the Internet. But the quantity of teenagers that were tricked is surprisingly high. And the best way to show and explain to children how dangerous the Internet can be is by using the Internet. There are a lot of educational videos on how to be a responsible user, protect your personal data, and be online-friendly towards other Internet users. The best way to be warned is to see the consequences of the wrong online actions. So technology can help us prevent a lot of tragic cases.